Well. It has been over a month since Undaunted was officially released. I had a celebratory red velvet cake (thank you BJs), thanked friends and family for buying copies (and gave away all my copies), and as of last week, my Mother finished reading it (and she liked it!)
So...to quote King George from Hamilton...what comes next?
That's been a question I think we've all been asking lately...with everything that's been going on. What comes next?
Well, when I'm tempted to start getting worried about what's next, I'm learning how to remember that I'm God's Beloved, and God is a good Shepherd. I keep hearing from (yes, you guessed it) Pastor Joseph Prince, that God is good, and God loves us so much, we don't have to fear the future.
We don't have to fear the future.
And I know that's not the easiest thing to say, or do, during this year. Like...wow. Things keep changing. But God's love doesn't change, and God honestly only desires good things for us in our future. Really. He says, and He cannot lie, He has thoughts and plans for PEACE and WELL-BEING, and NOT FOR DISASTER, to give you a HOPE AND A FUTURE! Ah! What a promise!
Beloved, I don't know what you believe about God, but believe this - He loves you so much - too much - to give you anything but the best. That's why He sent Jesus.
So. If you're looking around and getting nervous about what's next, say with me: "God loves me. God loves me so much He sent His Son to die a horrible death so that I could live. God is good and only has good things planned in my future." It doesn't matter what is happening around you - when you are God's beloved - and you believe that you are His beloved - then God will always keep you safe, look out for you...care for you.
Trust me, I'm learning this too! A great song from Bethel Music on their newest album Revival's In The Air is "Better Than". And the chorus is "I prophesy into tomorrow, that we will see the goodness of our God. It's gonna be better than, better than, better than I could dream."
Tomorrow will be better than you can dream. Your dreams will be better than you can dream! You will be better than you can dream! Your life will be better than you can dream!
So, beloved, just believe and receive that.
You are highly and deeply and greatly loved.